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How to apply:

Applications are to be submitted in triplicate to the Ministry of Education, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh in prescribed form through the Bangladesh diplomatic mission in the country of domicile of the candidate or his/her country's diplomatic mission in Bangladesh. All certificates and transcripts need to be notarized by an authorized official of the Foreign Ministry of the candidate's own country without which no application will be entertained.

Admission procedure:

On receipt of the application from the Bangladesh Ministry of Education, the Equivalence Committee of the concerned Faculty of the University of Dhaka will verify the eligibility of the student for admission in the desired program. If the student is found eligible for the programme, the application will be sent to the Academic committee of the concerned Department/Institute for their opinion. Finally, the Pro-Vice Chancellor (Academic) of the University will approve the admission. This decision will be forwarded to the Ministry of Education. The Ministry of Education will issue a no objection certificate to the concerned applicant in favour of his/her admission. Thereafter, the applicant will be allowed to get admitted by paying fees and other charges. On completion of all these necessary government formalities, the application should reach the office of the Registrar, University of Dhaka by 31 December (of the year of applying).


Academic Session: July to June

  1. January to December (One year regular Bachelor degree and Master's degree)
  2. January to December (2 year Evening and professional Master's)

Tuition and other fees:

(a) Citizen of SAARC countries - US$500/00 per annum plus other fees
(b) Citizen of other countries-US$ 1,200/00 per annum plus other fees

Duration of Academic Programmes: 1-year

In special cases, in order to resume the classes on time, the University authority may allow admission of the applicant subject to approval of concerned regulatory authorities within next 2 months. Otherwise the admission will be considered as cancelled.

For details, please contact:

Sheoli Afsar
Deputy Registrar (Academic-5)
Registrar Office
Room: 212, Registrar Building, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000.
Office Phone: +88 09666911463 / 4056, +8802 8624663
Email: oia@du.ac.bd, registrar@du.ac.bd